National survey says 54 percent of ALL Americans favor marijuana legalization.

Results of a national survey released earlier this month by the Pew Research Center, a nonpartisan think tank, show that about 54 percent of respondents favor legalization of marijuana while 42 percent are opposed to the idea.

The numbers for those favoring legalization has increased by 13 percent since 2010.

Democracy majority rules

What happened to Democracy? Doesn’t the majority rule? 54% of the PEW survey believe so on the issue of marijuana legalization. Please click the image to sign our petition showing your support to end cannabis prohibition…prohibition does not work!

 In 1969, when the questioned was asked in a Gallup survey, 12 percent of respondents favored legalization.

According to the center, 1,821 adults were questioned on the telephone for the survey conducted in February.

“Fully 75 percent of the public — including majorities of those who favor and oppose the legal use of marijuana — think that the sale and use of marijuana will eventually be legal nationwide,” the survey found, according to a Pew website.

Opposition to legalization was highest among those who are 65 or older, with 65 percent against legalization.

Other findings included:

• Three-quarters of Americans, according to the survey, think that if marijuana use is not legalized, those convicted of possessing small quantities of marijuana should not serve jail time. About 22 percent were in favor of jail time for those convicted of possession of a small amount of marijuana.

Republicans are less likely than Democrats to favor legalization, with 39 percent of Republicans favoring legalization versus 63 percent of Democrats. Support for marijuana legalization has increased by 15 percent in both parties since 2010.

• 54 percent said that legalizing marijuana would lead to more minors trying the drug, which has not been the case in Colorado over the last 4 months. The rate of underage use has not increased. Regulation does work! Much better than Prohibition.

• 63 percent of those surveyed said they would be bothered by public use of marijuana.

Click here for information source.

The NSA! Stop the Spying on Americans by Americans!

FACT: The NSA is regularly tracking hundreds of millions of devices.
Support the cause. Why is America spending so much money to spy on Americans? The NSA even tracks your activity on games such as Angry Birds! Hundreds of Thousands of Americans have already signed and called their elected officials. I did too! Please join in the fight for our freedom and privacy! The Cold War was much less invasive than the America we live in today!Image
“We All Bleed Together” ~ Original artwork and short article by Emery Myers 2014
Activism is the answer, the solution, to freedom in America!

Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas.

Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas.

 Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website...he cares about his career first...that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn't new...It's straight out of the 19th century!

Representative Mitch Holmes Far Right Republican Set on Blocking Medical Marijuana in Kansas. Check out the link to his website…he cares about his career first…that is one reason to question if we need another one of these kind in government. His thinking isn’t new…It’s straight out of the 19th century!

Bill Maher : the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher : the hypocrisy of evangelical christians.

Bill Maher speaks on the hypocrisy of Evangelical Christians in this short, 3-and-half-minute-video.

Bill Maher, of course, makes perfect sense of the craziness of organzied religion!

Freedom of Religion is also Freedom From Religion!

Freedom of Religion is also Freedom From Religion!